Wednesday, January 23, 2008

waffles, courtesy of jozeph dearest

dinner this past week was splendid!

joe came prepared. he was armed with a ten pound bag of pancake batter mix and a waffle iron, and some hot sauce and chives for reasons unknown. we had breakfast for dinner, care of josephus and katrina, joe providing the waffles and 100% pure maple syrup, kate providing the eggs. kate continues to impress me with her generosity. it seems she is willing to do almost anything to make saturday nights fun for everyone, and so far she has been very successful. 

danny and i spent some time before and after dinner on our computers, me writing my story, he doing something mysterious and secretive, or in other words, i have no idea what he was doing. joe sat on the couch, half asleep and debating out loud with himself whether he should stay and watch a movie or just go home and go to sleep. he compromised by staying for an hour or so to discuss with us whether or not he should go, and then leaving around nine. 

i stayed until eleven or so, and it was lots of fun. kate's roommates were all hanging out; a bunch of them were playing cards, while liel sat on the couch next to kate listening to her headphones. it was funny because we spent long hours discussing which board games we should play, and then kate started getting panicky about starting a movie. "should we start one now?? is it too late to start one?? if we don't start one now, it'll be too late so you guys have to decide!!! sarah, do you want to watch a movie??"

"uh, i don't care."

"danny! do you want to watch a movie??"

"maybe later."

"but by then it'll be TOO LATE!! We have to start it now or we can't watch one at all!! danny, what should we do??"

about an hour and a half later, he put away his computer and suggested watching a movie. kate shook her head, insisting that it was too late, and informing him that he should have started one earlier when she told him to.

there was something else that liel and kate were talking about that was really funny, but i can't remember. i do remember kate and i singing all the words to some disney song or playing out all the voices to a disney scene (i forget which one) and everyone else looking at us like we were freaks. ahh, good times. kate'll have to tell you what it was exactly. if she ever gets around to posting on here again.

why am i always the responsible one? geez...

then, we all played catch phrase on the way to my house. kate got mad at me because i was paying so much attention to the game that i forgot to tell danny to turn left off of state street to get to my place. she doesn't understand the meaning of priorities: catchphrase ALWAYS comes first. no matter WHAT.

we discussed how we need to get the board game "guess who," with the funny little caricatures of all those ugly people on the different squares. either that or connect four. that'd be fun.

this coming saturday, i anticipate having painter boy come over to help cook with us (this means i'll have to cook too, which is unfortunate, for everyone else) and have dinner and a movie. i hope he is not too weirded out by joe and kate. danny is pretty normal. i also hope he likes japanese anime, which seems to be a theme despite the fact that we only did it once. then again, if i scare him off now, it'll save time of having to do it later. you know you have problems with commitment when your relationships (or lack there of) are more about efficiency than enjoying time with the person. haha!