Thursday, January 17, 2008

dinner sans katrina

so catherine didn't show up for dinner last week. in fact, i was in charge of the entire affair, making phone calls frantically and inviting people left and right. (joe and danny) i volunteered to make the main entree, but realized a few hours later that unless people didn't mind eating frozen chicken, i was in way over my head. 

fortunately, (da dada dum!) greg was there to save the day!! i asked him if he wanted to make dinner for me, (no sense in euphemisms, i always say) and he said "sure!" except probably without the exclamation point. he made very yummy chicken with pesto over rice, with extra tomatoes in it, mmmm... he is too good to me, it's true. 

then josephus arrived with a loaf of bread and el care package-o. i was the one who scored this time- we divided up the items and i ended up with a $50 gift certificate to Walmart, hurray! joe got some envelopes and kate got a rolladex. hehe. 

joe is hilarious. there is nothing i enjoy more than being with joe and greg both together. greg thinks joe is completely weird, and whenever joe makes some bizarre comment ("look, this bread knife looks like the lower jaw of a killer whale!") greg will give me this look like he's freaking out, and i fall to pieces laughing. the funniest thing in the entire universe was when joe and i were driving greg home from the airport, and joe goes "hey greg, have you read the book 'neuromancer'?" hahahahahahahahahahahaha! greg just sits there in silence, staring at me with bug eyes like "Oh. My. Gosh." it was spectacular!

danny showed up an hour late (mormon standard time!), bring with him the dessert. he had brought homemade broiled cookies, with tops that were cooked and bottoms that were raw. (hahahahaha, read the end of that last sentence!) apparently the lower coil in his oven is having some difficulties getting it up (the temperature, you dirty minded fool!). but they were good nonetheless.

we left the box with the rolladex and batteries at greg's house. i've been there two or three times since but i keep forgetting to pick it up. i think kate's gonna have to do it herself this time. 

well, that was pretty much it. over and out---