Monday, July 7, 2008


So...the only ones of us in Provo are Sarah and Mykle. It's sad that we're so far away, but we will soon be close by.

For those of you who have no idea what the heck this is, it's the blog that we use for our Saturday Sibling Dinners. We like to post pictures, recipes, vids, anything really. I really want this blog to be more active than it has been in the past, so I'm inviting everybody early, and granting everyone admin privileges. I want everyone to be able to do stuff like change the template (do I smell a template war???), invite more people...I don't think we have to limit this to just our family members, either. Like, for example, it would be really cool if Joe W.'s sister came to our sibling dinners and contributed to this blog, or Danny's siblings, or Mykle's siblings, or Joe's future girlfriend...

So there it is. I'm really happy because Danny and I will have a great house for these saturday sibling dinners. It's big enough, and IT HAS A DISHWASHER! Hooray!