Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Taboo spankings

So, with a new semester and everything (ok so the semester is half over already), we've merrily reinstated the tradition of having sibling dinner, even though we've all blogged precious little about it. Last week, though, Kate and Danny made a spinner so that we could divide up the cooking responsibilities, and one of the things they put on the wheel was "salad/blog." As in, bring the salad AND write up a report of the dinner on the blog.

My job was salad/blog this past week, and since next Saturday is fast approaching and I've finished most of my midterms, I figured I'd better write something before Kate gets on my case for it. Plus, the idea of the blog is way cool. We really should work on it and make it take off.

We had a fun and raucous evening together. Sarah and Mykle brought a tasty pasta dish, I brought the Ramen noodle salad (secret Vasicek recipe, which I've altered and made that much cooler), and Kate and Danny provided the instant mashed potatoes. Instant potatoes? It was tasty.

Speaking personally, I was really out of it that night. I'd just climbed the Y mountain (to the very summit of the mountain) with my friends Steve, Warren, and Dan the previous night, and just to give you an idea of how tired I was, we started climbing around midnight. Didn't get back until five. To top it off, I'd done some grocery shopping and found some cookies on the discount rack, and by the time they made it to sibling dinner, I'd eaten maybe seven or eight of them throughout the course of the day. And then Kate and Danny baked more cookies! No sleep + sugar high = a general ruckus brewing.

Well, as usual, we couldn't agree on an after-dinner movie, so we settled instead on a game of Taboo. Sarah gets really into this game, as we soon discovered. I did the whole pre-game shaving-with-the-buzzer routine, then the sonic-death-ray routine, and then we started.

It was boys against girls, which put Kate and Sarah at a numbers disadvantage from which they never entirely recovered. When it was my turn to keep the time, I secretly overturned the hourglass a couple of times (shhh! don't tell Sarah!). Still, we all had a fun time, and by the end we were all laughing and spanking each other like good old times.

Oh heck, I just realized that the title of this blog post is going to attract some very risque search engine traffic. Ah, whatever.

I started doodling on the scoresheet towards the end, and Mykle grabbed it from me just as I was about to draw a really cool picture about something that I've since forgotten about, and because I was sugar high and not thinking straight, I tackled him trying to get the sheet back. It was pretty hilarious. Sarah quickly defended her husband and slapped me a good one. Good times.

So that was that. I think it was a success. If anything, it proves that being a Vasicek (dominant or recessive) makes you a very raucous, fun loving person. And that's cool.